Formaldehyde and VOC Tester

Odor Test Chamber

Product purpose  


High temperature test chamber can be used to test and confirm the odor detection and testing with small sampling bag method of storage and usage of such products as Electrician,electronics,automotive electrical materials,agricultural products and leather under high temp. 




Accurate control of temp. and wind speed is achieved through advanced controller,among which air circulation system within the chamber controls the direction and flow rate of air flow in the chamber ,while program settings of the control system reaches the function of temp. change and provides the environmental conditions required for odor test automatically.High temp. chamber is sealed with low odor volatile materials of full welded,and its air should be exchanged with clean air outside.    


Reference Standards      

• GB/T 2423.2-2001 Test B:high temeprature test method  

• GJB 150.3-1986 high temperature test  

• IEC68-2-2 Test B:dry heat      

• GB11158 Techinical conditions of high temperature test chamber    

• GB/T2423.2 Basic Environment of Electric and Electronic Products Test    

• QJQ 11052-2010 Odor test method for interiors of vehicles  

• MS 300-34 Odor test method for interior of vehicles  

• GB/T18885-2009 Ecological textile    

• QB/T2725-2005 Determination of Leather Odor  

• GB18401-2003 Specifications for Basie Safety Technology of National Textile