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Product Certification


The CE marking is a conformity marking consisting of the letters “CE”, and taking the form as shown here. CE is an abbreviation for ‘Conformity European’, French for ‘European Conformity’.

The CE marking symbolizes that a product it is affixed to is in conformity with all relevant essential requirements of the European technical regulations (“Directives”), and that the product compliance has been established using the appropriate conformity assessment procedure(s). The assessential requirements are requirements related to product safety, public health and consumer protection.

CE marking is obligatory for any product covered by one or more of the European technical regulations requiring the affixing of the CE marking. Without the CE marking, these products are not allowed to be placed or to be put into service in Europe. In this regard, the CE marking sometimes is called a trade passport, because like carrying a passport when entering a country, the CE Marking is required for market access.


The European CE certification procedure has been mainly set up to:

  • Harmonize all varying national regulations for consumer and industrial products in European Member States, so that the Single Market is encouraged.
  • Bring about cost savings for producers;
  • Enhance the safety of products;
  • Supply public bodies with a uniform procedure that can be checked.
  • With the help of the conformity assessment procedures, the authorities can ascertain that the products that are placed on the market comply with the requirements as stated in the regulations of the directives. The CE marking is consequently largely for the benefit of the authorities. However, safe products are also necessary for the end user in the work or consumer environment.

The CE Marking is a kind of trade passport for the European marketplace: it allows the manufacturer to freely circulate their product throughout the 18 countries of the European Economic Area (EEA). There is only one set of requirements and procedures to comply with in designing and manufacturing a product for the entire EEA. Various conflicting national regulations are eliminated. As a result, the product no longer needs to be adapted to the specific requirements of the different member states of the EEA. In addition, it may be considered a benefit that by implementing the requirements, the product will be safer for the user and this may also reduce damage and liability claims.

The CE Marking is NOT required for the following types of products:


  • Chemicals
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Cosmetics
  • Foodstuffs


E Marking:

The E/ e Mark is also a European common market, to the vapour. Zero accessories products, noise and waste gas etc. of motorcycle and its safeties, all need according to the EU ordinance the EEC Directives with European economic committee laws the ECE Regulation of provision, meet the attestation request through a product, then give to the qualified certificate, to insure the request of the safety and the environmental protection of go the car. The E- Mark depend on the attestation country and do not be different, is also different the serial number that give to, for example put forward the application toward Luxembourg, its E- Mark marking is an E13/ e13. Apply the scope of the product the whole car namely two rounds or more than three electrical engineering move the pileup, such as the passenger car, truck, motorcycle, bus and vehicle out of the roads. The vapour motorcycle components lamp and lamp bulb, various see the mirror, tire, a turn, car of , trumpet and guard against theft equipment’s, safety belt, the automobile glass and line up windpipe etc.

The vapour motorcycle zero subsidiary electric appliances product etc. inside the safe chair, car of accessories safety helmets, Childs Since October of 2002, rule all vehicles, zero parties of vehicle, and used for the electronics on the car product’s must execute forcibly the test of EMC.

All electronics zero parts beards that sells in Europe unify to match the EMC instruction 95/54/ EC, carrying on according to the EMC instruction 89/336/ EEC of announce by one’s own will no longer valid. But be authorized the vehicle product by the EU to announce the organization to have the certificate of E/ e Mark. Also is to say, the CE (EMC) attestation that the vehicle electronics and electronics zero parties at first apply for will be no longer valid since October of 2002. Must re- apply for the E/ e Mark certificate rear that the transportation section of the European nation have and can be in the European market sale. Europe for the whole car of mobile car and involve the request that zero parts and systems of the safety contain safe attestation, the concrete body symbolizes to symbolize the attestation with e for the E now. The laws (Regulation) that marking of E comes from the European economic committee (the Economic Commission of Europe, the brief name ECE) promulgation the ECE includes 28 nations of Europe.

VDE Marking:

The VDE is the Association for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies and their related sciences, technologies and applications. As the voice for these key technologies in Germany, the VDE works to foster a better climate for innovation, ensure the highest safety standards, promote optimal engineering curricula, and encourage a broader public acceptance of new technologies. The Association’s organization and functions are unique worldwide: The VDE combines a broad spectrum of scientific activities with work on industry standards and product testing under one roof. Focal points of VDE’s work include developing safety standards for electrical and electronic products, preparing technical regulations as national and international standards, and testing and certifying electrical products, equipment and systems. The VDE Testing and Certification Institute Germany, is among the world’s most prominent independent testing organizations for electric and electronic products. At the Institute’s global network of testing and certification centres, over 500 highly qualified employees conduct around 100,000 tests annually for national and international manufacturers. Virtually every electrical product used daily by the public in Germany and elsewhere – ranging from electric toothbrushes to stoves, washing machines and IT products – is tested and certified by the Institute. The VDE mark, familiar to 68 percent of the German public, is considered to be the symbol of highest safety standards. Worldwide, around 200,000 products bear the respected VDE mark.

FSC Certification:

FSC uses the power of the marketplace to protect forests for future generations. Some people feel the best way to prevent deforestation is to stop using forest products. In reality, people use forest products every day. For example, the average American uses nearly six trees worth of paper each year. So FSC harnesses market demand to ensure forests are responsibly managed. Because FSC is the gold standard in forest certification, it is the only system supported by groups such as WWF, Sierra Club, Greenpeace, Natural Resources Defence Council and National Wildlife Federation. Today, more than 380 million acres of forest are certified under FSC’s system, including more than 150 million acres in the US and Canada.

Gost-R/CUTR Marking:

Certifies quality of actually supplied goods and their compliance with contractual terms. A quality certificate contains a profile of goods or confirms their compliance with certain standards or specifications of a delivery order. A certificate of compliance is intended for certification of goods produced by Russian companies or shipped to Russia by an importer-company. A certificate of compliance can be issued for a batch of goods and on a series production. In the former case a certificate is legalized for a company engaged in supplying goods to the Russian market. Its validity varies with terms of a sale contract. In the latter case a foreign manufacturer of supplied goods is both an applicant and a recipient of a certificate. This type of a certificate is valid for a period identified in a certification document. Certification is carried out by our specialists on production premises of a company seeking certification of goods it manufactures. On the basis of results obtained during testing samples of goods in a laboratory an appropriate certificate of series production compliance is issued. There are cases where GOST certificate is issued when documents like: a hygienic report, a veterinary certificate, fire safety certificate, etc. are available. These all mean that we must receive all these documents for you before.

ISI Marking, Star Rating, CRS Approval


Presence of ISI certification mark, known as Standard Mark, on a product is an assurance of conformity to the specifications. The conformity is ensured by regular surveillance of the licensee’s performance by surprise inspections and testing of samples, drawn both from the market and factory. The manufacturer is permitted to self certify the licenced products after ascertaining its conformity to the Standard. Through its surveillance operations, the Bureau maintains a close vigil on the quality of certified goods. Although, the scheme itself is voluntary in nature, the Government of India, on considerations of public health and safety, security, infrastructure requirements and mass consumption has enforced mandatory certification on various products through Orders issued from time to time under various Acts. While BIS continues to grant licences on application, the enforcement of compulsory certification is done by the notified authorities. Under separate arrangements with Statutory agencies, some products have been placed under special certification schemes of lot or batch inspection carried out by BIS Inspecting officers. A majority of gas cylinders, regulators and valves are certified through such schemes. In order to safeguard the interest of consumers against spurious marking/misuse of ISI mark, penal provision exists in BIS Act 1986 under section 33(1), as per which any person who contravenes the provisions of Section 11, Section 12, Section 14 or Section 15 shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend upto one year or with a fine which may extend upto Rs. 50,000 or with both.


Ministry of Communication & Information Technology, Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY) has notified “Electronics and Information Technology Goods (Requirements for Compulsory Registration) ” under which 30 products have been made compulsory for registration with BIS.

Registration for self-declaration by the manufacturer is a simplified process of conformity assessment, which has been introduced, and is in addition to the existing system of licensing. In this new Registration System, a manufacturer himself, makes a declaration, that his product conforms to the Indian Standard. Therefore, the manufacturer himself is providing an assurance on the quality of his product. Before making such declaration, the manufacturer has to get himself registered by applying to BIS.

The application is scrutinized for completeness including availability of list of manufacturing machinery ,Test equipments with calibration status , Quality control personnel, Proper authenticated factory address, Fees, Brand name including authorization/agreement of the brand owner if applicable, and conforming test report from BIS recognized labs not more than 90 days old. In case the application is found complete in all respects it is recommended for grant of Registration and a unique eight digit Registration number is assigned to the registered user on Registration. The list of registered manufacturers is also uploaded in BIS website along with the corresponding models and Brand.

Product List Falling Under C-R-S:


  • 1. Electronic video games
  • 2. Laptop/notebook/tablets
  • 3. Plasma LCD/LED 32’ and above
  • 4. Optical disc players with input power 200 watts and above
  • 5. Microwave ovens
  • 6. Visual display units
  • 7. Printer
  • 8. Plotters/ scanners
  • 9. Wireless key board
  • 10. Telephone answering machine
  • 11. Electronic musical system with input power of 200 watts and above
  • 12. Electronic clock
  • 13. Set up box
  • 14. Automatic data processing machine
  • 15. Power adopter for IT equipments
  • 16. Power adopter for audio/video application
  • 17. UPS invertor of 5KV and above
  • 18. DC or AC supplier controlgear for LED modules
  • 19. Battery used in potable application
  • 20. Self ballasted LED lamp for general purpose
  • 21. Fixed general purpose luminaries
  • 22. Mobile phones
  • 23. Cash register
  • 24. Point of sale terminals
  • 25. Copying machine/duplicator
  • 26.Smart card reader
  • 27.Mail processing machine
  • 28. Card reader
  • 29.Power bank for use in potable applications

Energy Conservation act was enacted by Parliament in 2001. Government of India set up Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Statutory body under ministry of power on March 2002 under provision of Energy conservation act 2001. One of the regulatory function of BEE is to develop minimum energy performance standards & Labeling for equipments/appliances and buildings with initial voluntary participation.

Star labeling is an energy efficiency rating scheme for electrical appliances/building. The rating will grade equipments/buildings on their energy efficiency, star rating from one star for least energy efficient and going up to five star for most energy efficient. Star labels has been created to standardize the energy efficient ratings of different electrical appliances and indicated energy consumption under standard test condition.

BEE has developed energy efficiency scheme for energy efficiency leveling of equipment in May 2006 and product identified for star rating under the scheme are as below:

  • 1. Frost Free(No-Frost)refrigerator
  • 2. Tubular Fluorescent Lamps
  • 3. Room Air Conditioners
  • 4. Distribution Transformer
  • 5. Induction Motor
  • 6. Ceiling Fans
  • 7. Pump Sets
  • 8. Electrical Geysers
  • 9. Color Television
  • 10. Inverter
  • 11. Washing Machine

Some of above product has been made mandatory to have star rating on equipment and some are under voluntary provision. Manufacturers of equipment can participate in the scheme by registering with BEE.

A separate application will be made by the Manufacture for each equipment/model, along with non–refundable registration charges and labeling fee. An agreement will be made with the Bureau of Energy Efficiency. After receiving the complete application for anequipment/model, the Bureau will scrutinize the application, and seek further information, if required, with in amonth from the date of receipt. Th euser of label will print and affix the labels as per the label design, manner of display, and the rating plan prescribed for the particular equipment. A list of labeled equipment (and information on the label) will be maintained by the Bureau and made available to the public through publications and its website.